I think that President Biden has been a very good president. I thought that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a very good Associate Justice at the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, Ginsburg waited too long. The result was that Trump got to pick her replacement, Amy Coney Barrett. Ginsburg was ill, and she was old. I do not believe myself to discriminate against the disabled (ill) or the old. However, sometimes one needs to put away prejudice, or lack of such and see reality.

People who have risen high on the ladder of power have much to be proud of. They have much to deal with as well. One of those things which they need to deal with is their own ego. Ego, perhaps the eighth deadly sin. It affects the individual and those around them. It is a truly insidious;, it can grow in the background slowly consuming the well-meaning people in its path. Well intentioned people can fall prey to its power.

Ginsburg may have believed herself invincible. She had beaten cancer at least twice. Unfortunately, she was not invincible. Perhaps, she believed that nobody could do the job as well as she. Instead of going out as a hero, their will be an asterisk after her name. Her death, while still on the court, allowed Trump to nominate Barrett

I fear that Biden and those that surround him are proceeding down a similar path. It must be excruciatingly difficult to step away when you are at the pinnacle of your career. A very successful career as a Congressman, Senator, Vice President, and now President. A man who beat Trump once and could very possibly do it again.

This upcoming election is not going to be decided by the registered Democrats or Republicans. It will be decided by the independents. Unfortunately, the election will not be won by the person who will be the better President. The election will be won by the person who is the best campaigner and communicator. Trump is a good storyteller. He is well practiced and has been lying and grifting his entire life. The news covers Trump practically every day. We wake up wondering what lies he will tell today.

The incumbent President has much to do. I do not think that he will be able to keep up with Trump’s lies in addition to his other duties. We need a Democratic campaigner who will respond forcefully every day, will be in the news every day calling out Trumps lies. It would have been wonderful if Ginsburg could have been on the court forever. Her “ego” clouded her eyes and her intellect. President Biden, you would be a great second term President. Unfortunately, in 2024, that is not enough. Please don’t let your ego or the ego of your inner circle interfere with your best judgement. Please don’t have an asterisk after your name. Our country needs you to do what is best for the United States of America



